Welcome to page 3. This page covers lots of different HTML examples. As well as this it shows some use of tags. With this, it shows how the first h1 is centered while the rest aren't
This is A Standard Paragraph
This is a paragraph for common examples:
b is for bold
I is for Italic
U is for underlined
del is for strike through
strong is like bold
ins is underline too
small is for small text
mark is for highlighting
em is for emphasis
You can also combine this to make something crazy!
this is i, strong and mark
Next is Tables.
Table starts a table:
th is a | table header |
td is | table data |
next we have hyperlinks
a href="link" InsetTextForLink give you a hyperlink text youtube
img src="link" will display an image from a link
you can change the width and height by adding width="px" height="px" before the less than
100px each
You can even have a gif
Lists are pretty simple:
To start a list you simply add ul - bulleted or ol - numbered:
To add colour you start with what you want to change. For example this can be something like "p" or "h1".
These respectfully change paragrah colour and heading 1 colours. After this you add curly brackets with the word
"color:" and then the colour you would like with a ";". For example h1{color: blue;} This makes all h1's blue.
Background colour is diferent however. For this you need to enter the "body" and then go "background-color:"
"color;". This would be "body{background-color: lightblue;}"
Style 1
Style 2
Style 3