Josh's Portfolio

University Student
Occasional Streamer

More About Me.

University Student in the North East of England.

Hi! My name is Josh and welcome to my portfolio. Here I will show some things that I have worked on and some things that I am proficient in. Thank you for visiting.

Personal Profile (What I Have Worked On):

I have no real world industry work however I have volunteered and worked with a team on projects. Mainly I have been a graphics designer while also being a developer.

Graphics Designing / Developing: While being a graphics developer I volunteered in an online gam server community where I was dedicated to improving and assisting said game server. My role within this includes aiding the design of game features, testing fundamentals and writing basic LUA code. This experience has helped hone my skills in the areas of game testing and graphics design allowing me to provide a consistently adept service.

When working as a Graphics Designer I would work with customers which I would thne design items that they would want and I would then make them to the standard that they requested. While doing this I learned some skills that would become useful in the workplace and some skills that were very task specific. These programs I was efficient in were: Photoshop, VS Code, OpenIV and blender. As well as this, since we worked as a team I had to be proficient in GitHub and how to use branches to prevent merge conflicts to ensure that all code and graphics worked.

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