Computer Science

Past Projects
Current Projects

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On this page you will be able to find links to my projects which can range from my newest projects but may also be my oldest work.

Personal Profile:

Blackjack Project:

In this project I had to make a working blackjack game. The only specifications was it had to follow the rules of blackjack and you had to make it to the best of your ablitly.
This was my very first major project I had ever made in college (excluding smaller projects). I feel I had made this well.
I made this using Visual Basic. This is what the main terminal looked like:

You have 8 boxes being: first card, second card, hit number and total. 4 of these are for the dealer and 4 of these are for the player.
You start with 5,000 chips and the dealer then had 10,000 chips. There are then 4 buttons: start, hit, stand and restart.
Start will start the game. The player gets 2 cards, the dealer gets 1. You can then decide to stand or hit.
Stand can be pressed which will give the dealer a card and will automatically hit if the dealer total is less than 17. If greater than 17 compares
totals and will see who is closer to 21 and will push is the values are the same. If the dealer total is less than 17 then the dealer will hit and it will
add to the total. Once you start you are asked to enter a chip amount which you and the dealer will gamble for it.
This project works fine for the most however, there can be a few issues and you need to restart between runs.
This is what it looks like when you hit then stand: